NuGet Packages for Xamarin

Well, since I have been working on lots of Xamarin stuffs, I thought it’s sometimes best to list down the NuGet packages that are really amazing and helps you create the boiler plate of your App in a much easier and faster way.

The NuGet Packages

Let’s look at the worthy NuGet packages which are worth looking into.

Acr.UserDialogsA cross platform library that allows you to call for standard user dialogs from a shared/portable libraryXamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS UWP Xamarin.Forms
SQLiteNetExtensionsSQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.Xamarin.Forms
Rg.Plugins.PopupPlugin for Xamarin Forms. Allows you to open any page as a popup. Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms.DebugRainbows Adds a very colorful debug mode to each of your ContentPages that lets you immediately see where all of your elements are located. Xamarin.Forms
AkavacheAn asynchronous, persistent key-value store for desktop and mobile applications on .NETXamarin.Forms

I will keep updating this list as I keep encountering on these stuffs. Feel free to let me know if there are some I have missed.

Happy Coding!

Fix WKWebView Content Cut Issue

A lot of Devs who have tried integrating UIWebView in the past had the option to fix things like Content getting cut when scrolling to the end.

Generally, when this happens the easiest way is to add padding to the Bottom of the ScrollView. The same can be done by making use of ContentInset. ContentInset is the custom distance that the content view is inset from the safe area or scroll view edges.

Let’s see how to add the same for a CustomRenderer in Xamarin.iOS for Xamarin.Forms:

 webView.ScrollView.ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(0, 0, 100f, 0); 

Here in the above line, we add the ContentInset to the ScrollView asking it to accept padding of 100f to the bottom of the ScrollView. You can customize it as per your needs.

Happy Coding!